Inner Work by Grete Merlyn

Self-awareness training course for corporate teams.
This is a series of 5 workshops for opening important conversations on sustainable development skills and individual differences.

These are moments that trigger personal development, inclusion initiatives and improve relationships within the organisation and team. If your company is moving towards being sustainable, this is a must-have.

5 big sessions, one per week

Every session is introduced by one of the Inner Development Goals skills.

With the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) we will explore and measure the level of both individual and collective skills that are necessary in order to successfully work with complex issues (e.g. the 17 Sustainable Development Goals; situations of change/crisis; company culture). This is the perfect starting point to open the work towards growth and important conversations.

Followed by deeper individual and group work.

With Human Design we will dive deeper into the individual differences, with an aim to better understand ourselves, how we function and the people we work with. Here we’ll explore the differences in decision-making, ways of thinking, our needs, our areas of empathy, how we communicate, our natural talents & strenghts, our impact on the other and how we fit in.

And ending with solid goals.

The final section of the sessions is there to bring change. Here we reflect of the entire session and most important aspects, identify the problems within the current culture and how to solve them.

Every session ends with a realistic plan towards the change that is needed in order to facilitate a healthier and stronger company culture.

Inner Work is perfect to work on:

Goals for bringing growth into the corporate culture
Building stronger bonds in teams
Creating a deeper sense of belonging
Awareness, inclusion and compassion
Book the discovery call


What's included in the workshops?

The workshops include moments for:

  • self-evaluation,
  • group work,
  • conversations and sharing,
  • problem-solving and setting goals.

All the material such as evaluation sheets,  cards and individual charts of the partecipants will be provided.

Can it be done online?

It’s better if we can do it in person, but in extreme cases, it can also be arranged online.

What are the feedbacks?

Common feedback received:

  • Human Design sparks some extra curiosity into self-discovery.
  • The surprise over important and deep conversations.
  • The individual feeling of “being welcome” or “feeling seen”.
  • Creation of closer connections and improved post-session interactions.

Note: not everyone is ready for personal development, and this is ok. This is a safe space for everyone.

Book the discovery call
Help your people to reconnect with their power and create strong bonds!

👉 Hi, I'm Grete ✨️

I'm a leadership coach who works with individuals and teams on self-awareness.

More about me